There are two open seats for the Arizona House; Arizona List has endorsed Patty Contreras and Stacey Travers.
Patty Contreras is a community-based public servant working to protect Arizona seniors. Patty is a native Arizonan; her family has been in Arizona for over 100 years. Originally from Somerton, near Yuma, she has lived in the Phoenix valley 40+ years and in Legislative District 12 over 30 years. Patty’s great-grandparents emigrated from Mexico and settled in Morenci where they worked in the mines. They became migrant farmworkers after moving to Somerton in the 1920’s. Her grandparents and parents were farm workers and her father later became a successful businessman in Yuma. As a public servant for the majority of her career, Patty Contreras is passionate about working to provide legislation that will enhance the lives of residents of Arizona. She is running on the issues of fully funding education, helping seniors and veterans, combating climate change, and protecting Arizona’s water supply. Patty retired from the City of Phoenix after 31+ years of service to Phoenix residents. She worked in both the Parks and Recreation and Human Services Departments primarily providing services, resources, and programs to seniors and people with disabilities. Learn more about Patty and her campaign issues at her website here.
Stacey Travers a mom, veteran and scientist advocating to fully fund education and STEM programs. Stacey was born in the birthplace of democracy, Athens, Greece to a U.S. Military father and Greek mother. Coming from a family with a history of military service, she knew she wanted to serve her country and did so proudly as an electronic warfare Russian intelligence interceptor/analyst in the U.S. Army. After leaving the military she came to Arizona to study at the University of Arizona where she earned her B.S. in Geosciences and fell in love with the state. She wanted to further her education and left for England and postgraduate study at Oxford University. She moved to London where she met her husband, John and soon afterwards began working as a radio producer for the BBC. She moved back with the US and as a member of AMVETS became an advocate for veteran’s women’s issues and homeless and disable veterans – fighting the corruptions and fraud that is currently trying to disenfranchise veterans at the Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Veterans Soldiers, a cause she is still committed to. Once she had her two daughters, she moved back to Arizona, the only place she wanted to raise her family. Learn more about Stacey and her campaign issues at her website here.
Arizona List has endorsed Mitzi Epstein for the Arizona Senate.
Mitzi Epstein is a small business owner fighting for strong schools, community health and fiscal responsibility. Mitzi currently represents Legislative District 18. She has a professional background as a computer systems analyst and owns a small business. Mitzi is passionate about public education.She has co-founded local and statewide coalitions of parents, teachers, retirees, and business leaders to advocate for high quality public education. She served as a Kyrene School Board member from 2005-2008. In 2016 Mitzi was elected to the State House of Representatives. She is the Ranking Member on the Ways and Means Committee, and serves on Rural Affairs Committee, where her analytical and business skills are an asset to the teamwork in the House of Representatives. In 2017, she established “Neighbors Council” an open, public group that meets monthly to work on solving problems and making opportunities for the people of Arizona. In 2019, she established the bicameral “Sustainability Workgroup” in the legislature to protect clean air, fresh water, and wildlife in a changing climate. Rep. Epstein stands on the principle that every solution is better when it is developed with a wide range of perspectives at the table. Learn more about Mitzi and her campaign issues at her website here.