Let's Win Campaigns

Your time could make the difference.


The importance of volunteers for Arizona List can’t be overstated. Your time will help us elect progressive, pro-choice Democratic women at all levels of government, so please consider volunteering. It’s easy to start – all you need to do is fill out the form here and we’ll be in touch shortly. Thank you!

Hold a House Party

Your time volunteering on key races makes the difference between a democratically controlled legislature or our current situation. One of the key things you can do to help our mission is to hold a House Party to introduce Arizona List to your friends, family, and colleagues.

House Parties are easy, effective ways to expand our work in electing Democratic, pro-choice women to office in Arizona. Our skilled staff can help you in planning, organizing, and hosting a House Party. Not only will it help elect more Democratic women to office, it will be fun!

If you’re interested, please contact [email protected] and we’ll work with you every step of the way!