Today, Arizona List has members across Arizona who are working united to elect women across the state. The organization has offices and staff in Tucson, Phoenix, and around the state; guidance from a professional board of committed leaders in the community; focus from a strong staff team with years of political experience and support from an outstanding internship program.
“The secret to flipping Arizona was in fact not about Joe Biden or Mark Kelly at all. For years, Arizona has been working to flip local and state offices with the power of one very important demographic: women…Because barriers still exist, organizations like Arizona List have become essential in providing women the counseling, preparation, and financial support to beat these obstacles and challenge the status quo.” Sara Ben Abdallah, Women’s Republic, 2020.
Become a member and join a community of Arizonans committed to electing pro-choice, Democratic women to school boards, city councils, county boards, the state legislature, and state-wide office.