Housing in Flagstaff – Becky Daggett

Flagstaff’s housing problem is acute, and I know it can sometimes feel like not enough is being done to address it. I wish we had double the resources to tackle this problem, but we’re making progress—due, in large part, to the partnerships the city has with our non-profit housing partners combined with some smart investments of our resources. Yet, there’s still much work to do.

First, I’ll speak to the housing programs led by the city’s housing section and some of the work of our non-profit partners. The City of Flagstaff Housing Authority owns two, and manages three, rental developments totaling 345 units serving low-income residents with incomes from 50% to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The AMI is set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is the midpoint of a specific area’s income distribution. Flagstaff’s current public housing and voucher eligibility AMI range for a family of four is $49,950 (50%) and $79,900 (80%).


The city has initiated a Land Availability and Suitability Study and Code Analysis Project (LASS + CAP). At our April 16, 2024 meeting, staff presented the framework and a few initial findings. The LASS is intended to ascertain what land—public and private—is available for development and redevelopment and identify any barriers. Code analysis will analyze what is working and what might be causing unnecessary impediments to achieving our housing and climate goals. Ultimately, after the analysis is completed, council will consider code changes to address identified impediments. You can watch the video of the presentation to council here.

I’m concerned, as are most of you, that if we don’t work together and activate every possible tool to preserve and increase our affordable housing stock, that those of us who struggle to make ends meet in Flagstaff will be forced to leave. Nearly every week, I hear from employers that the cost of housing impedes their ability to keep and attract staff. It’s imperative to me that our neighbors who have invested their lives here are able to stay and are able to continue to invest themselves in our schools, nonprofits, places of worship, and economic vitality. I can’t imagine Flagstaff without the people that make us a community.

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