Check out ways you can support the LGBTQ+ community this month!
Attend a Pride Parade or Event
Check out phoenixpride.org to find an event near you!
Be an ally
When someone in your life tells you that they are LGBTQIA+, it can be difficult to know how to respond. Your initial reaction may be one of surprise, excitement, confusion, discomfort, or none of the above. Be honest in your response, but you should also recognize the importance of your response and the impact it may have.
Volunteer or Donate
Give back to the community through a volunteer initiative such as supporting a local LGBTQIA+ youth or community center or raising money for a charity/foundation such as the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. To find a great charity, try using Charity Navigator.
Educate Yourself
Do you know why we celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride month in June? Spend some time learning about the history of Pride, a movement precipitated by the Stonewall Riots in 1969 in New York.
Support LGBTQIA+ art and culture
The LGBTQIA+ art community is vibrant, influential and pervasive. Go see a LGBTQIA+-themed show or movie, visit an LGBTQIA+ art gallery, or buy an album from an LGBTQIA+ artist.
Consider your company’s LGBTQIA+ inclusivity
Does your company have a culture and resources that promote LGBTQIA+ inclusivity? Is there something you can do to make LGBTQIA+ coworkers feel more comfortable in your office? Is there a benefit that excludes LGBTQIA+ employees? Start a dialogue and make resources available to try to create a workplace where LGBTQIA+ employees will feel valued and accepted.
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Source: https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en.html