Representative Raquel Terán is a mother, wife, community organizer and lifelong Arizonan. For the last twelve years she has been a vocal and active community advocate. Raquel mobilized Arizonans to rally against the injustices faced at the hands of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and SB1070 author Russell Pearce – resulting in Pearce’s recall and Arpaio’s re-election defeat. Raquel served as the Campaign Director for ISTANDWITHPP, a campaign fighting to protect the Affordable Care Act and women’s reproductive rights. She recently was the Regional Director of Mi Familia Vota’s Education Fund, committed to increasing Latino civic participation through grassroots mobilization. She also serves on the Board of Chicanos Por La Causa, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life for Arizona’s Latino population through housing, education and workforce development. In November, Raquel, along with other state legislators from other states, traveled to El Salvador to see the impact of their abortion ban and to talk to women who are now incarcerated because of this abortion ban. She has gone above and beyond in championing reproductive health.