Michelle Crow serves as Southern Arizona Director of Children’s Action Alliance, where her primary role is in building coalitions to advocate for better policies around children’s health, education and security here in Arizona including supporting Save Our Schools and the Arizona Grandparent Ambassadors. She also directs the Beyond Foundation, which was born out of the tragic mass shooting in Tucson. Today the Beyond Foundation has evolved into year-round public health programming that encourages community members to adopt a comprehensive approach to their physical and mental health.
An avid water policy junkie, Michelle serves on the Community Water Coalition, which seeks to create sustainable water policy in the lower Santa Cruz Watershed. She is also the Ward 2 Representative for the Citizens Water Advisory Committee for City of Tucson Water. From work at the Brewster Center to Congressman Grijalva’s campaigns and office, Michelle has given her expertise and precious time and energy to multiple sectors of Tucson as well as her most relished roles – those of mom, daughter, and wife.