Lisa Otondo was elected to the Senate in 2016 after serving two terms in the House of Representatives. As a second-generation Arizonan born and raised in Yuma, she comes from a large Basque family with deep farming roots. This upbringing has given her a keen awareness of the issues and challenges facing farming and rural communities.
Senator Otondo is deeply passionate and knowledgeable about water issues in Arizona. She received her water management certificate from the ABWC/ASU Water Management program, and is proud to share her expertise through her service on the Jon Kyl Leadership Round Table and the Agribusiness and Water Council (ABWC).
As a former public school teacher, Senator Otondo knows first-hand the importance of supporting our schools, our teachers, and staff. She has worked in a bipartisan manner to increase state funding for our public schools, universities, Junior Career & Technical Education Districts (JTEDs) and Community Technical Enterprises (CTEs). She will continue to fight to improve public education funding, teachers’ salaries and reduced class sizes.
Senator Otondo is also focused on the serious transportation and infrastructure problems facing Arizona, and is committed to restoring the Highway User Revenue Funds (HURF) to their intended purpose. She brings her passion and knowledge for water issues and infrastructure as she serves on the Natural Resources, Energy, and Water committee as well as the Transportation and Technology committee.
A former public school teacher and international affairs specialist, Senator Otondo completed her Master’s Degree in International Public Administration from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She speaks five languages which include Spanish, Mandarin, French and Portuguese.