An Arizona native, Becky Daggett currently directs Coconino and Mohave County organizing efforts for the statewide Outlaw Dirty Money campaign. Becky previously served as the Executive Director of three Flagstaff nonprofits and worked for the City of Flagstaff as the Business Retention and Expansion Manager. She was appointed by Governor Napolitano to serve as co-chair on the Governor’s Growing Smarter Oversight Council—a role she filled for six years. She has served on several City of Flagstaff committees and task forces and is a Flinn-Brown Fellow with the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership. Becky managed successful ballot campaigns raising more than $50 million for trails, recreation amenities, economic development, tourism, the arts and sciences, and open space protection in Flagstaff and throughout Coconino County. In addition to her work in local and state government, Becky is an avid promoter and volunteer with the arts both locally and statewide, receiving two awards for her theater performances. Becky has served on the boards, and otherwise volunteered for, many Flagstaff nonprofit organizations, but her favorite volunteer experience is reading to children in first through fourth grades at Killip Elementary in Flagstaff.