Running for LD13 Senate.
Sharon Winters was raised in the Chicago area and was one in a family of five children. She attended Illinois State University where she graduated with a degree in Psychology and a teacher’s license. Her passion for education called her into the classroom, and she taught special education in public schools, taught in the Bernalillo Pueblo School in New Mexico, and taught English at Brookhaven College. She is a former small business owner and published author of four books, one of which was an Amazon bestseller. Thirteen years ago she was called to Arizona to care for family. Her life experience and knowledge in the classroom has led her to run for the state senate. Our democracy is under attack. Whatever legislation she approves in the Senate must improve the quality of life for all of us. Such legislation must be inclusive and address equality, reproductive rights, access to a quality public education, and elder affairs. It’s in times like these that we have the responsibility to step up, lead, and protect our freedoms now.